How to setup the Sparteo bidAdapter with PrebidJS


The Universal Bidder by Sparteo is an advanced tool designed to streamline the ad inventory buying and selling process for networks and publishers. It supports both display and video ad formats, offers competitive pricing, and ensures seamless integration with existing infrastructures.

This guide provides a step-by-step process to integrate the Sparteo BidAdapter into your Prebid setup, including specialized ad formats like the "corner" placement for video ads.


  • Sparteo BidAdapter: Make sure you have access to the Sparteo BidAdapter, which can be downloaded from the Prebid download page.
  • Network ID: Ensure you have the networkId value provided by Sparteo.
  • Corner Format Integration: If using the specialized corner format, ensure your placements are set as out-of-page (1x1) and targeted using the formats parameter.

For more detailed documentation, refer to the official Prebid documentation for Sparteo.

Step-by-Step Setup Guide

1. Add Sparteo Bidder to Placements

In your Prebid configuration, add the Sparteo bidder to the placements where you want it to bid. Use the following example code:

bids: [
        bidder: 'sparteo',
        params: {
            networkId: '[UUID]',

Replace [UUID] with the values provided by Sparteo for the networkId.

2. Corner Format Integration

The "corner" format is a specialized advertising placement designed as a sticky player, delivering video ads in out-of-page (1x1) placements. This format ensures that ads are visible without obstructing the main content.

To target the corner format in a placement, specify it in the formats parameter of the bid, as shown below:

    code: 'my_out-of-page_placement',
    mediaTypes: {
        banner: {
            sizes: [[1, 1]]
    bids: [
            bidder: 'sparteo',
            params: {
                networkId: '[UUID]',
                formats: [

In this example:

  • The sizes are set as [1, 1] for out-of-page (1x1) placements.
  • The formats parameter specifically targets the 'corner' format.

Replace [UUID] with the value provided by Sparteo.

For further assistance, feel free to reach out to Sparteo support or consult the Prebid documentation.