Response types

All responses are sent back to you in JSON, which is a lightweight data-interchange format. We return two kinds of structure: item and list.


Items are JSON objects consisting of unordered attribute–value pairs, with a single level of pairs. They are delimited by curly brackets. This kind of response is used when a single object is requested. The properties are the requested field names and their corresponding values. By default, only a certain number of fields are returned, but you can define which fields you want to be returned. See the fields parameter on compatible endpoint.

  "uid": 1,
  "username": "JohnDoe"


The list response type is a JSON object containing a list property. The associated value is a JSON array of items. Some other properties are also returned such as:

Response propertiesProperty typeProperty description
pageNumberThe current requested page number, by default page 1 is returned. You can pass the page parameter to request other pages.
limitNumberThe current maximum number of items per response page. Default value is 100. You can change this limit using the limit parameter (maximum number of items per page is 1000).
has_moreBooleanThis boolean property tells you if there are more pages after the current one. If it is set to true, you can decide to access more results, hence this is helpful when paginating through results. This can also help you decide if you need show a more button in your UI.
nextStringUrl of the next request using the same parameters (except the page parameter).
  "page": 1,
  "limit": 2,
  "has_more": true,
  "next": "/v2/users?limit=2&page=2&fields=uid,username",
  "list": [
      "uid": 1,
      "username": "JohnDoe",
      "uid": 2,
      "username": "JaneDoe"


Please note that depending on your rights, some data or features may be inaccessible.